A personal reflective practice journal with thoughts and insights into some of my work.

Daniel Regan Daniel Regan


I have started re-working back into these images of island to create contour maps. Something that I find fascinating about contour maps is that not everything is revealed - layers are hidden and revealed based on depth of the land. If islands are bodies, of land, or in my case human bodies, I love the notion that different maps may reveal the hidden layers within us.

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Daniel Regan Daniel Regan

Dialogue with the work

Sometimes I thought of the islands as bodies - not of land - but human. The liquid as emotions, sprawling out whilst simultaneously being contained and directed by myself. At times I found myself in dialogue with the work, asking what do you need? and waiting for it to direct me.

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Daniel Regan Daniel Regan

Closed Doors

In my steadfast approach to avoid doing other less than joyful work, I found myself doing a bit of digging around this morning. Whilst I wait for my Ancestry DNA test to arrive I thought that I would see if I can get any information from Barnados, where my father was left at an orphanage in the late 1950s.

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Daniel Regan Daniel Regan

Strange Request

More black out poems from conversations about my heritage and father’s adoption.

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Daniel Regan Daniel Regan


For about a year or so I’ve been making work in all manners about islands: inks, drawings, writings.

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Daniel Regan Daniel Regan

(be)longing - a beginning

For the last couple of years I have been increasingly curious about unpicking my family history, including tracing my Caribbean heritage, or at least understanding some of my family lineage on both sides.

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